
I am a North American, from Canada trying to understand personal and cultural relationships The future is now. Thanks for taking the time to read.

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Location: Kobe, , Kansai, Japan

Although my background is in the arts – English, Philosophy, and Psychology – I have been, and remain interested in the discoveries of science.

Friday, September 22, 2006

World News In A Nut Shell

 The tracks of the nefarious are laid down in bills. "Follow the money." If you're attempting to understand the truth behind a story that doesn't seem to quite hold true, follow the money. Sway not, want not; follow the money.
Question: Why are we in IraQ? Follow the money.
I remember one evening watching the news, Colin Powell was testifying to Congress and was questioned as to whether or not America was interested in Iraq's oil. When he answered, he kind of smirked a chuckle and said 'No, of course not, we have no interest in Iraq's oil-that is for the people of Iraq.' THE CHUCKLE WAS OUT OF PLACE and got me thinking as to WHY it struck him as FUNNY. I mean it was an obvious question, and one that was on many people's minds. The idea that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was a non sequitur for many people. UNSCOM had been looking everywhere and anywhere they wanted for several years in Iraq with no evidence to be found (the in joke among those in the know in the Administration was that it is impossible to prove a negative). What if we accept that America had no interest in the oil as Colin Powell said. Accept this at face value with the stated sudden need to drill in the Arctic Sanctuary to find oil in mind. Why invade Iraq if we knew they had no WMD, and we didn't want their oil?
Just after Bush was installed in the White house there was a meeting of the Oil Patch with Dick Cheney to discuss the future of America's energy needs. The minutes of this meeting were and have been kept SECRET from the American people despite the best efforts of interested parties to access and assess. If the oil companies didn't want Iraq's oil what did they want? How about a RAISE>a raise in the price of oil?
Just imagine. The first Gulf war was a set up to give justification to attack Iraq and knock it out of the picture, but the other Arab states would let America really get dirty in Iraq. They were told not to go in. So sanctions were put in place ostensibly to penalize Saddam and ensure he couldn't retaliate, and also to foment a regime change. But it was also, I think, to ensure that the Iraqi oil was taken off the market. With Iraq shut down, the price of oil could be raised and no one could complain because the UN had been co-opted to underwrite the sanctions. Saddam's 'crime' was support of terrorists or support of the Hamas in Palestine, or building WMD but it was his ability to break the sanctions by selling oil off the market and keeping the price soft.
The events of 911 gave the green light to go in and FIX the leak. Any excuse, any reason would do. Hey, we're talking big bucks. Big Oil driving the big rig to glory so to speak. And if there were no glory for Old Glory who cared. They would be laughing all the way to the bank. The budget surplus of the 90's has been spent (unwittingly) by the American people to help the oil conglomerates and their partisan friends to put money in the bank. Money, which is power. Power to the people? Hah, hah, wrong preposition for this proposition. Power from the people.
When you think of the enormous profits that have been made, at the cost of what, just under two thousand lives now, one can gain some sympathy for Rumsfeld's ruminations about the comparative loss of life through traffic accidents each and every daisy. Oops a day Z.
If our boys in the dirt of the gulf, had any idea that they were just grunts for the man.... Just follow the money, it explains the way. Freedom to export or to exploit? The words are all so slippery aren't they, Mr. Bush. How fortunate eh, Mr Cheney?